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Our Facebook Page being unpublished, Group also got the same nudity policies. Let's try out MeWe

#1 2013-10-13 23:05:30

Founder of clothesFREE
From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2006-07-18
Posts: 1,179

Mission Accomplished

前年 po 過有團體喺紐約促 topfree 合法化,睇嚟都略見成效,佢哋嘅 Blog 題為 Mission Accomplished,不妨睇下。

We've always known we were in the right, that women in New York have the legal right to bare their breasts anywhere a man can - but we've also always had the sneaking suspicion that not every police officer in the city knew that that was the law.  The NYPD held 10 days of briefings for every cop in the city which seem to have boiled down to this: Don't hassle women for being topless. They aren't doing anything wrong.


We had our chance to find out when a cop car pulled over beside us and two of New York's Finest came over for a chat. "You aren't doing anything wrong," they volunteered.  Then they stood there a little awkwardly.  "Has anyone bothered you?" No, we said.  Okay, then. The cops headed back to the car and we all looked at each other with a mixture of relief and satisfaction and bafflement.


And to the one growly woman who muttered as she passed us, "There are children here!" we respectfully reply: Yes, there are. And maybe they'll grow up healthier for it.

2013.05.18 Outdoor Co-Ed Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society

Central Park



Bryant Park



Madison Square Park



Washington Square Park


Public Library


High Line



"Mommy, why are they naked?" this little girl asked. "Why don't you ask them?" the very sensible mother replied. The girl came over, not shy at all. "Why are you naked?" "Because it feels nice," we explained, and she nodded: made sense to her.  When she’s our age, may she feel comfortable in her body and live in a city that encourages her to.



#2 2013-10-20 17:03:18

Founder of clothesFREE
From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2006-07-18
Posts: 1,179

Re: Mission Accomplished


紐約有班烈女三年前發起不穿上衣看書去運動,燕瘦環肥,脫去胸圍上衣,露出雙乳,在明媚春色下躺在草地上看書,並把照片上傳至網上。這個組織叫 The Outdoor Co-ed Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society,發起人之一 A.A.說,會員都是一班愛書人,有十多歲少女,也有四十歲熟女。


雖然如此坦蕩蕩,但 A.A.不欲公開真名,「我們怕將來的僱主會搜尋我們的名字。」二十多歲的 A.A.,畢業於某長春藤大學,不少會員跟她一樣都有不錯的學歷。別以為鬼妹就不怕露點拋胸,其實天下女人都一樣,「也有紐約女人羞於展示身段,走路時縮起肩膊來,因為她們怕被男人注目。」A.A.告訴大家一個有趣的觀察,「一個有正常穿着的女人,跟一班自信地走路的半裸女,通常男人會撩前者。當男人遇上 6 個、10 個,甚至 20 個半裸女談笑風生,很享受的樣子,他根本不會覺得她們是弱者,也不敢冒犯。」

到底公眾地方拋胸是怎樣的感覺?A.A.形容第一次半裸上身看書的感覺很 wonderful,「有點緊張,但誰不會?還以為會被注目,或者嘲笑,但完全沒有人這樣!人們平常地走過我身邊,沒有多看一眼,有人留意到我們,只會微笑走過。我只感到很暢快,輕輕感到刺激,慢慢就感到很自在。我看到另一邊露出兩點的男人在擲飛碟、躺在草地上,我看到自己的兩點,只感到沒錯。我感到自由。」


美國有 O.C.T.P.F.A.S.烏克蘭也有女性主義團體 FEMEN,透過裸體向父權社會宣示女人不弱的訊息,她們曾經在法國和歐洲各地裸體反女性歧視。在香港,法律沒有禁止裸露上身,大律師陸偉雄指:「地盤工人很多時也會因為天氣炎熱而脫去上衣,這並沒有犯法。」但如果裸露上身滋擾社會秩序的話,警察有權勸阻,情況嚴重的話,有機會被檢控公眾地方行為不檢,「例如在中環鬧市,有個女人脫去上衣,令到經過的車停駛,影響交通暢順,又引來公眾圍觀,就可能構成行為不檢罪。」

自稱是 part-time 露體狂的平面設計師小丁,毫不吝嗇展示身體,初期拍下露乳、露毛的裸照時,總是引來朋友的譁然,但她卻視作自然而然的事。人家拍裸照,總是擺吓誘人又性感的姿勢,但小丁從不粉飾身體的缺點,即使豐滿雙乳很矚目,給人感覺總是好玩多過情色,「朋友也說我為露而露,拍的照片,有着衫跟無着,沒有分別。他們又覺得我不珍惜,連記者也可以拍。我覺得不用包裝自己好似好高級咁,既然着與不着也是這麼自然,不一定要好勁的攝影師影。」

2013.06.01 蘋果日報


#3 2013-11-03 23:17:47

Founder of clothesFREE
From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2006-07-18
Posts: 1,179

Re: Mission Accomplished

A female diner at a trendy Italian eatery has put New York City's newly relaxed attitude toward partial nudity to the test by going topless at the table. The titillating display took place at Verso Restaurant in Alphabet City Sunday night, when the unidentified blond patron sat down to a meal and immediately removed her shirt, exposing her breasts in a crowded dining room. Her male companion who was sitting across from her pulled out a camera and proceeded to snap pictures of the X-rated stunt.


Verso's owner, Labinot Baraliu, rushed over the table and demanded that the half-naked woman put her clothes back on. In response, the bare-breasted blond insisted that it was 'perfectly legal' to go topless in the restaurant. After exchanging a few words with the owner, the libertine couple were escorted out of the bistro.

In May, the New York City Police Department released an official memo cited by The New York Times informing all police officers that it is not illegal for women to walk around the city shirtless, and that they should not be cited for public lewdness or indecent exposure. The order given to the city’s 34,000 cops stems from a 1992 New York State Court of Appeals, which states that baring one's chest in public is legal for a woman as it is for a man. However, because a restaurant like Verso is a private property, its patrons are subject to whatever rules the business has in place.

2013.07.09 Daily Mail


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