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Our Facebook Page being unpublished, Group also got the same nudity policies. Let's try out MeWe

#1 2015-03-28 15:37:46

Founder of clothesFREE
From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2006-07-18
Posts: 1,179

網民上傳露點照 響應解放乳頭運動

在現今社會中,男性袒胸露臂被視為等閒事,但女性的乳房卻一直是社會禁忌。有女權人士認為這現象反映了男女之間仍然存在雙重標準及性別歧視。女性乳頭在網站中不斷被禁,甚至連哺乳的畫面都被視為不雅,有女士在數年前發起了 Free the Nipple (01:30) 運動,認為女性的乳頭不一定和性愛有關,希望大眾不要用有色眼鏡看待。


英國《獨立報》報道,Adda Þóreyjardóttir Smáradóttir, a 17-year-old student and chair of the Feminist society at The Commerical College of Iceland, announced an upcoming "Free the Nipple" day at her school for 26 March. After a male friend who disagreed posted a photo of himself bare chested and said he would receive a negative reaction if he was topless at school, she posted an image of her nipples. Arguably proving Adda's point, a Twitter troll soon tried to body-shame her for posting the image. :It was difficult and I had to delete the picture for a few minutes, but it was enough to start a revolution," she wrote in a Facebook post written in Icelandic.


事件極速引起公眾關注,不少女士在網上聲援 Adda,認為 Adda 有權展示自己的身體,紛紛在 Twitter 上放自己的露胸相片,又加上 #FreeTheNipple 的 hashtag 以示支持。甚至連男性網民都出面支持女權,貼出自己的露胸照。

2015.03.27 立場新聞


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