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Our Facebook Page being unpublished, Group also got the same nudity policies. Let's try out MeWe

#1 2009-07-04 07:14:25

Founder of clothesFREE
From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2006-07-18
Posts: 1,179

英企業奇招抗金融海嘯 全裸辦公士氣大振

經濟不景下,企業想辦法削減成本之餘,還要絞盡腦汁提高員工士氣。英國設計營銷公司 Onebestway,想出要員工全裸辦公來激勵士氣的新點子,員工齊齊剝光豬,坦蕩蕩示人,完全不覺得尷尬,還說團隊精神確實提高了。


金融海嘯捲起後, Onebestway 早前已裁員,但生意仍沒有起色, 40 歲營運總監歐文為了重振業務, 4 月起大搞「赤裸星期五」,還派來商業心理學家泰勒和裸體女模給員工壯膽。


突如其來的脫衣令,最初使許多員工緊張不已,泰勒鼓勵員工先拍攝「肉照」跟同事分享,然後又請來模特兒向大家講述裸體心得。 23 歲女經理杰克遜笑着說:「感覺很爽,我們現在都赤裸相對了,溝通也再沒隔膜,公司業務也真的大大改善。」


員工乖乖脫衣,但歐文強調員工可隨時穿回衣服工作。員工既瀟灑又瘋狂行為,已被攝製成節目《 Naked Office》,下周四在電視台首播。

2009.07.04 蘋果日報


#2 2010-05-18 16:00:28

Founder of clothesFREE
From: Hong Kong
Registered: 2006-07-18
Posts: 1,179

Re: 英企業奇招抗金融海嘯 全裸辦公士氣大振

Daring and controversial documentary The Naked Office returns for a brand new six part series. The Naked Office continues to attempt to help businesses get back on track by stripping away their problems using a revolutionary approach – going to work stark naked.


Leading behaviour change specialist and leadership guru Seven Suphi is on hand to help and has worked with people from some of the biggest global companies including HSBC, IBM and LexisNexis to improve their performance. She believes that participating in The Naked Office social experiment will hopefully help employees with their confidence, trust and authenticity.


Seven Suphi says, 'For most people in the UK going to work in the nude is a very daunting prospect and I believe this extreme process will help them push their boundaries and become a close team that trust each other enough to get naked together.'


Every episode is filmed over a week and takes the colleagues on both a personal and professional journey as they build up to the day the entire office has been dreading. No clothes, no shame and nowhere to hide as they work completely nude on 'Naked Friday'. But will it improve relationships and create a happier, more successful business? It will certainly mean they never look at their colleagues in quite the same way again!


Throughout the week we follow Seven as she finds the core areas to work on to substantially improve themselves, the business and helps the employees prepare for the ultimate dress down Friday and rebuild their broken spirit by undertaking 'naked tasks' ranging from making clay moulds of their body parts to spandex wrestling. We also meet some interesting characters along the way including Ike, who is incapable of being on time and Eileen, administration assistant by day . . . female wrestler called 'Roxy' by night!


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